Alandar Park is a manufacturer of bridal wear, for Ellis Bridal, John Charles, and Kelsey Rose.

Alandar Park as a business has transformed over the last few years, moving from manual to digital processes. This resulted in the need for robust internet connectivity, as an imperative factor for effective day to day business operations. Due to the significant increase in digital engagement with companies globally (e.g. china), quick and easy internet access is vital for the business. On their previous connection, the following challenges were encountered:

  • Delay in sending key designs to suppliers both in the UK and abroad, therefore slowing down the production process
  • Reluctance to use digital processes due to performance issues
  • Lack of adoption of certain technologies (due to the above)
  • User frustration

T-Tech made the recommendation to upgrade Alandar Park’s internet line, with the implementation of 2 resilient circuits to ensure maximum uptime and reliability, as well as a new firewall to ensure the latest security.

By upgrading the line, users could see a huge surge in fastness, ultimately leading to increased productivity. Given the nature of the business, especially for the design team working on large, complex files, areas where productivity can be improved is always essential.

The upgrade delivered the following business benefits:

  • Happy users (with no downtime whilst installation took place)
  • Further adoption of tech and digital processes
  • Production process is faster, as IT is no longer the barrier

Overall, Alandar Park are really pleased with the quick turnaround and result of the project, as they continue to align their business with the rapidly growing digital world.